Mens Fellowship
Meeting Times
9.00am - 12 noon
(Second of the month, October-April, Fellowship Meeting)
9.00am - 12 noon
(Bowls, Fleming Park)
9.30am - 12 noon

The Chandlers Ford Methodist Church Men's Fellowship invite all men from any church or no church to join us at our monthly meetings. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month October to April at 9:30am in the coffee room, and then at 10:00am in the J. Ambrose Chalk Room for our speakers meeting (usually lasts about an hour.)

Members also meet on Mondays and Wednesdays (non speaker days) to play snooker from 9:00am to 12 o'clock, £1 is paid per session. We also play bowls at Fleming Park, Wednesdays (non speaker days) and Thursday mornings all year round 9:00am till 12 o'clock (usual green fees apply.)

Our annual subscription is £7.00, this pays our donation to the church for the use of the J. Ambrose Chalk Room.

We also run a bowls and snooker competition through the year.

Any enquiries may be made to our chairman Mick Masters (023 8025 4966), our treasurer Mike Colbran(023 8026 3517), or our secretary, Don Turpitt (023 8026 7128).